Lebois Racing is also the right address for good deals! So quick overview of the available promo codes not to be missed for the January on Aliexpress ! Click on your country to jump to the dedicated promo codes :…
How to apply the January update for SRT V10
Here is the January update. Updates are always presented on the patreon page, but we will go into detail on how to update the box with this new update which changes the logic of the sequential mod a little. The…
SimJack Load Cell Pedals: The Test (long term)
After more than 6 months with the SimJack Pro Load Cell, it’s time for a review. Does the Chinese manufacturer with ULTRA competitive prices manage to compete with the big names in the sector, or is it a pedals of…
SimJack Pro VS SimJack Ultimate
SimJack has been offering a new variant of its load cell pedalboard for a few months now: the Ultimate. Or Ultimate+…or UT… anyway. We had already tested the Simjack PRO in video here. So while we wait for the full…
SRT Gearbox : October Update !
The first gearboxes are assembled, and the first feedback is very positive. However, you have reported some problems that this update fixes. 1. New slider The biggest problem encountered concerns the tracks: they ultimately do not stay in place in…
Eclutch mod for the SRT Gearbox V10
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SRT Gearbox V10
Discover the best H-box for sim racing! The icing on the cake: it’s a simple and accessible DIY project! Summary 1) Presentation 2) How to start 3) Shopping list 4) 3D files 5) Assembly 6) Arduino Code 7) Wiring 8)…
G Force Control Box for the P1 Seat Belt Tensioner
The G Force Control Box for the P1 seat belt tensioner is the solution for a smooth Plug & Play experience ! Let’s dive into its features. Security Safety is the number 1 objective of the G Force Control Box.…
Mod Hall Sensor Sequential for the SRT Gearbox v9.1
The Sequential Hall Sensor Mod for the SRT V9.1 gearbox allows hall sensors to be used instead of switches for sequential mode. It is based on the “Sequential Plate” PCB. A magnet is installed in the slider. Summary 1) Shopping…
Rii K18 keyboard stand
In a Sim Racing simulator, being able to access your keyboard is as important as it is complicated. If you’re playing in VR, or if you own a motion simulator, you absolutely must have a fixed support, and one that’s…