SRT Gearbox V9.0

I am working on a 6 speeds gearbox that would be controlled by an hydraulic clutch pedal !

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1) Presentation

2) How to start

3) Shopping list

4) 3D files

5) Assembly

6) Arduino Code

7) Wiring

8) Mods

1 )Presentation :

The best gearbox in the world:

  • 6-speed H-box + reverse gear
  • Sequential (we go from one to the other in 3 seconds)
  • Clutch mode (optional): if you don’t press the clutch pedal, the gearbox stays locked (only in H mode)
  • Multiple attachment points (from underneath and from the side)
  • Adjustable front-rear and left-right feeling
  • Adapter to mount a hand brake (P1)
  • Possibility to connect pedals to it
  • For about 140€.

All the documentation of the V9.0 is available on this page. Do not hesitate to ask for help on the Discord!
The documentation of the V9.1 is available here !

2) How to start

3)Shopping list

The shopping list is available here.

4) 3D files

The 3D files are available on the download page.

Each file contains a printing instruction in the form xx-xx. The first number is the precision, the second the filling. For example 02-30 means accuracy of 0.2 and filling at 30%. It is also useful to double the thickness of the walls.

The mention “support” indicates that supports are needed…

I also recommend to activate the adhesion to avoid warping (part that comes off the support).

I recommend using the Cura slicer.

All the parts are in the ideal orientation for printing.

You will also find a step file which will allow you to integrate the cylinders in your CAD.

5) Assembly

Once all the parts are printed, you can  start the assembly.

6) Arduino code

The latest firmware is available here.

7) Wiring

It’s not essential, but here is the detailed wiring of the Arduino Micro :

wiring of the arduino micro

8) The mods

Each mod has its own dedicated documentation. It is recommended to start by making a box without mods before adding mods.

I've been passionate about cars since I was a kid! I learned the multiple variations of the Skyline R34 through the Gran Tursimo series, until I discovered GTR2 at the wheel of a keyboard. A few years later, I plunged back into Sim Racing with a G27 which made me enter the DIY world. Always looking for an immersion out of reach in reality, I develop projects that I take care to make accessible to any 3D printer owner!
Posts created 108

11 thoughts on “SRT Gearbox V9.0

  1. Hi,

    you are great engineer and there are posted some of the most amazing mods ever,

    But some pictures above are missing.

    I also do wonder about password protected content there. Is it temporary? Are you selling access to it?


    1. Hi ! Thanks for your message.
      There is a bug about the pictures… Feel free to inform me if they are missing, it just takes a couple of seconds to put them back.
      The actuators documentation is currently under construction, so I added a password to work on it. It almost ready and should release soon.

  2. Great engineering design. build are solid, but gearbox feels like real one. I’m so impressed with your work. Thanks

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