This article is WIP. Information subject to change without notice. Traction Loss lets you feel the sensation of the rear end of the car drifting. On the chassis side, the shopping list includes two frames: Lower frame: the one that…
Smart Control Box for the SRT80 actuators with FlyPT
Summary : 1) Features The Smart Control Box adds three buttons that can then be used like conventional buttons, and in particular be assigned on FlyPT to the “Connect”, “Increase gain” and “Decrease gain” functions that allows to control the…
Upgrade kit for OpenSFX Actuators
The OpenSFX actuator upgrade kit allows you to modify the travel of the OpenSFX actuators while keeping the motors and profiles. The travel is increased from 130mm to 215mm. The kit also makes the actuators Push Pull compatible, the 30mm…
SRT80 actuators
The SRT80 are actuators based on 80ST servo motors, 80×80 aluminum profiles, and a special ballscrew that allows a travel of 220mm (compared to about 130mm for the OpenSFX). For each step, there is a dedicated channel on the Discord…
Securing SRT80 actuators to the floor
Why fix the actuators to the ground? SRT80 actuators are powerful enough to give the simulator an inertia that allows it to lift off the ground. This generates a significant shock when it falls back down: bad for the actuators,…
SRT100 actuators
The SRT100 actuators are based on stepper motors. Accurate and powerfull, they allow to build a 2DOF (2 actuators, pitch/roll) or 3DOF sim motion rig (3 or 4 actuators, pitch/roll/heave) for approximately 300€/actuator.
SRT100 actuators : Wiring
The wiring is quite simple. Each driver is controlled by two wires : pulse and direction. Once the driver received a “pulse” signal, the motor will moves a step. If you have three actuators instead of four, you just have…
OpenSFX actuators
OpenSFX100 actuators operate very similarly to SRT100 actuators. The difference lies mainly in the use of servo motors instead of stepper motors, which are both cheaper and less powerful.