Mod Hall Sensor Sequential for the SRT Gearbox v9.1

The Sequential Hall Sensor Mod for the SRT V9.1 gearbox allows hall sensors to be used instead of switches for sequential mode. It is based on the “Sequential Plate” PCB. A magnet is installed in the slider.


  1. Shoping list
  2. Wiring
  3. 3d files
  4. Assembly

1) Shopping list (V9.1 only)

The kit including the following parts is only available on Lebois Racing Shop

  • Sequential Plate
  • Screw M3x8
  • Magnet 8x4mm

2) Wiring

he wiring is shown on the “Sequential Plate”. The 5V was not originally intended for the sequential connector on the main PCB, so it must be connected elsewhere (where it says 5V, the green dots…).

Pins S1 and S2 can be interchanged.

Once 5V and GND have been connected to the main PCB, a status LED lights up. You can test the operation of the hall sensors by placing a magnet in front of them: a green LED lights up.

Hall sensors are not sensitive to magnet orientation: they work regardless of which way the magnets are turned.

3) 3D files

The files are located in the folfder “Mod Hall Sensor Sequential” in the file pack.

Printed parts can also be ordered here.

6) Assembly

For mounting, you can pre-install the M3 screw. Then position the PCB, passing the cables through the appropriate slots. Then finish tightening the screw.

I've been passionate about cars since I was a kid! I learned the multiple variations of the Skyline R34 through the Gran Tursimo series, until I discovered GTR2 at the wheel of a keyboard. A few years later, I plunged back into Sim Racing with a G27 which made me enter the DIY world. Always looking for an immersion out of reach in reality, I develop projects that I take care to make accessible to any 3D printer owner!
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