Beta registration closes on January 8th.

The 8.0 is almost ready!

I am working hard to finalise v8.0. What remains to be done? To tell the truth, not much, I’m just taking advantage of the time I have left before the launch of the beta to refine the box as much as possible.

In particular, I was able to continue my tests on the simulator, in order to highlight as many problems as possible.

I also worked a lot on the documentation, which is already particularly satisfying.

Details are not details

The vast majority of the components have been modified, in particular to facilitate producing the box.

Example here with the two springs that make the “front-rear” feeling: when you come to install the springs and the blue part (“carriage”).

  1. We install the bottom spring and the blue part thanks to the part that has been flattened (hatched in red).
  2. The second spring is installed in the blue part through the opening.

This is the kind of work that has been carried out for several months now in order to propose a project within everyone’s reach!

Reliability is not an option

I recently printed the “crank” piece because of a dimension update. The printing went badly. A hole that was supposed to be round came out oval, and obviously when I tried to insert the axle…it broke. This is the first time I have encountered this printing problem, even though I have probably printed this part about fifteen times before.

1 failure for 15 successes, is that satisfying?

Of course not. So back to the drawing board: I started by shortening the piece, which is probably the longest part of the project. This can be a problem if the board is not perfectly flat. So we scratch 15mm long. I took advantage of this to reinforce another piece that fits on top of it, and to optimise certain areas to avoid support or printing problems:

Then I made some changes so that the piece could be printed “upside down” so that the problematic aera would not end up under too many supports:

It is this kind of work that is extremely time-consuming, all the more so because to modify a part, you also have to modify and reprint all the parts that fit around it.

Date de lancement de la bêta

The closed beta will be launched on January 9th at 10am, French time. Registration will close on January 8th.

A bonus ?

I’m also working on the pedals at the same time… I can tell you that the year 2021 should hold some good surprises!

I've been passionate about cars since I was a kid! I learned the multiple variations of the Skyline R34 through the Gran Tursimo series, until I discovered GTR2 at the wheel of a keyboard. A few years later, I plunged back into Sim Racing with a G27 which made me enter the DIY world. Always looking for an immersion out of reach in reality, I develop projects that I take care to make accessible to any 3D printer owner!
Posts created 108

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